The 4th Cambridge Symposium on Competition Policy will take place on March 10th, 2025 at Clare College, Cambridge. The Symposium is organised in collaboration with the Competition and Markets Authority and is generously funded by the Janeway Institute, the Bennett Institute for Public Policy and the Productivity Institute. See program for more details. To attend the Symposium, please fill in the the expression of interest form (confirmation of attendance will be sent out as soon as possible).
The 4th Cambridge Symposium on Competition Policy will feature the following speakers:
- Yossi Spiegel (Professor of Economics, Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University): The Prohibition of Excessive Pricing: Inherent Difficulties, Potential Mistakes, and Conditions for Application
- Hans Zenger (Head of Unit, Chief Economist Team at European Commission, DG COMP): Mergers in Homogeneous Goods Markets
- Fiona Scott Morton (Theodore Nierenberg Professor of Economics, Yale School of Management): Regulation of Competition
- Giacomo Calzolari (Professor of Economics, European University Institute): Artificial Intelligence, Algorithmic Recommendations and Competition
- Griet Jans (Chief Economist, Belgian Competition Authority): Bid Rigging and Digitalization – Need for Detection Tools and Screening Mechanisms
- Paul Heidhues (Professor of Behavioral and Competition, DICE, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf): A Theory of Digital Ecosystems
- Karen Croxson (Chief Data and Technology Insights Officer, CMA): AI and Data: Considerations for Competition and the Work of the CMA
The Cambridge Symposium on Competition Policy was first held in 2019 and is a space for academic researchers, practitioners and policy makers from competition authorities and industry regulators to come together to exchange ideas on issues of competition policy and to inspire new work on the subject. During the Symposium, policy makers are exposed to the latest academic thinking on competition and regulation issues, while academic researchers are exposed to the latest policy issues and practical cases being worked on by competition authorities, regulators and practitioners.
Details on previous editions of the symposium are available here: